Mansfield United SC plays its main schedule in the spring competing in the Vermont Soccer League.
VSL is organized and overseen by the Vermont Soccer Association and is a state-wide league.
VSL is structured with three divisions.
Division One the top level of play is primarily comprised of premier club teams, teams that select their players from any city or town via tryouts and generally have paid coaching staff.
Division Two hosts the next level of play, primarily teams that are community centric, players from a specific geographic region. Division Two also supports club teams from many of the premier clubs, that is their second-tier squads.
Division Three the last of the divisions is comprised of teams primarily from town-based teams, an entry level to travel soccer.
Spring League season runs May – June. Training Sessions will commence as early in April as weather and field conditions permit.
Typical schedule will see 3-4 home games and 3-4 away games. Away venues will be dependent on other teams placed in each division and age bracket. Players can anticipate up to an hour’s drive for some away games.
M.U.S.C. teams practice two weeknights each week, games are primarily on weekends, mostly Sundays. M.U.S.C. does support multi-sport athletes but families will need to be flexible and realistic in regards to schedules. It is most advantageous to be able to participate in at least 50% of the practice sessions.
Our registration for spring play is held the preceding Fall – (October – November), league deadlines necessitate the Fall Registration.
M.U.S.C. may place their teams in Division One, Division Two or Division Three, placement is dependent upon the anticipated play level of any given roster. If a roster shows quality enough play level to compete within Division One we can take that option.