Mansfield United does offer a secondary season for our players looking to play in the Fall.
On a limited basis MUSC does support select teams that will play in the VSL Fall League. Our established club players U10 – U14 may be offered a roster space on one of our Fall League Teams.
Fall League differs from the Spring League in that all games are played at one venue – The Tree Farm in Essex, both home and away games are played at this location. Fall league schedule runs 7 weeks – 3 in Sept. and 4 in Oct.
The Fall League does run simultaneous to the school sports schedules, so M.U.S.C. often times works with a more limited practice schedule.
Selected players will register in August.
To give as many of our members a club playing opportunity as we can we host the MUSC Intra-club program. Intra-club allows our club players the opportunity to play locally and have fun with their peers. It also allows those players seeking to get an idea of club play the opportunity to do so. Some technical trainings paired up with some fast-paced, small-sided games in a relaxed setting, easy to fit into your schedule.
Fall Intra-Club Program Registration 2024
K-League is our Rec League program that serves Jericho/ Underhill. An entry-level program that brings players on at the U5 age (2018) . A small-sided format that looks to keep all players engaged, keep play fun and allow for growth. The program runs up through the first-year U10 age level and is an easy transition into club play. All sessions are held locally, and the goal is to provide a positive and fun environment where all feel welcome. Play is approached on an equal playing time basis as it is a non-results-oriented program.
Fall K-league Program Registration 2024
K-League – players born – U5 2020
MUSC also supports our sister rec program on the Richmond side. All sessions are held locally, and the goal is to provide a positive and fun environment where all feel welcome. Play is approached on an equal playing time basis as it is a non-results-oriented program.