Our MUSC is a local introductory travel soccer program, our emphasis is on fun with progression as players learn to love the game. A quality approach is fundamental to providing an environment that will foster that growth. We believe that competition can still be fun.
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn't change you.” ~Fred Devito
Player Expectations:
Train and play to the best of my ability
Have a positive attitude and never quit
Exemplify sportsmanship -win without boasting, lose with dignity
Respect officials and accept their decisions without question
Respect my coach, teammates, and opponents
Only give positive encouragement to fellow teammates
Arrive prepared for all games and training sessions with proper equipment
Parent Expectations:
Be an advocate for the club
Be respectful of others time –avoid being late for warm-ups/practices or being late to pick-up
Be positive or quiet at games
Leave coaching at games to the coach
Support the coach’s and referee’s decisions
Choose appropriate times for communication between coach and parent
Support the club by volunteering
Coach Expectations:
Coaches will provide a fun learning environment
Coaches will be on time and prepared for training sessions/games
Coaches will promote good sportsmanship
Coaches will lead by example
Coaches will maintain proper communication with parents/players
Coaches will hold players accountable who do not show good sportsmanship
Coaches will work toward the development of their team as well as the individual development of each player