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The Mansfield United Soccer Club is a youth soccer club serving the Jericho, Underhill, Richmond, Huntington & Bolton communities. Two long-standing Vermont soccer clubs, the Browns River Soccer Club and the Camels Hump Soccer Club merged to create M.U.S.C.


The primary mission of the Club is to provide a positive soccer experience that will enable players to progress their soccer skills and knowledge of the game while inspiring a life-long love of the sport.


Our volunteer coaches place great emphasis on teamwork and sportsmanship.  As a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization, we strive to keep the program affordable and accessible to all local youth. 


MUSC provides our local athletes with play options from recreational league to travel team play.


Our Rec Program, K-League has a Fall schedule.  Ages U5 – U10.


Travel Team Program has options to play in the Spring, Winter and Fall. Travel Team games are played with neighboring soccer clubs throughout Vermont.  This spring program is a great introductory travel program for players who want to improve their soccer skills, take their game to the next level, and have fun. Ages U8- U19.




BE PRESENT – What does that mean?

  •  Positive - have a positive attitude, act and speak only in positive manner

  •  Respect - your opponent, your coach, the officials, your teammates

  •  Excellence - work to do your best, strive for excellence

  •  Sportsmanship - be a good sport, play with integrity

  •  Enjoy - remember to have fun, enjoy the game, enjoy the moment

  •  Neighborly – lend a hand, be approachable, friendly

  •  Teammate – be a good teammate, team first ahead of self

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